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Hi, some of you might know about Pet Society Song Competition in Playfish forum. Just few days ago, the song contest winners are announced!
I like the second song, I like the melody^^

Third Place: Bailey Love by OzencOnline
This is a song about Bailey,my Pet Society pet!
I hope you enjoy it , feel free to leave a comment..!

Second Place: My Wife Loves Pet Society More Than Me! by sodapete
A tongue-in-cheek song about my wife's love of the game pet society. I screwed up a couple of times, and my mic suck... but it works for me :).

First Place: Because I Got Pied by ardydelrosario
Here is my entry for Pet Society's Song Competition, It's my rework of Afroman's Because I got High (I wish I had more of them April Fool's Day Prank Gifts!)

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