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Hey, welcome to MyChips' Blog. Pet Society new mysterious items for this week. In addition, there are a new version of Pet Society.

===Pet Hair Gel Tube===Retro Table Mirror===Bird Cage===


=New Feature=
Newsletter from The Mayor~

The new feature is Recycling. Just click the item in the chest to recycle and you can earn Recycle Points. My observation: 1 coin = 2 Recycle Points.

There are THREE categories Eco Prizes once you earn up to 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 Recycle Points. You can cash them out for Eco Prize. It works like Mystery Box. The prizes include:

Small Eco Prize : (833 sellback price)

Bird House
Eagle Totem Piece
Monkey Cup
Seedling Doll
Wolf Totem

Medium Eco Prize : (1666 sellback price)

Baby Seal Doll
Disco Ball
Dolphin Doll
Snorkeling Mask
Travellers Palm

Large Eco Prize : (2499 sellback price)

Classic Wall Fountain
Cuckoo Clock
Jungle Bed
Mini Wind Turbine

Some of the prize images: (more images will be added later)

Also, THREE new trophies is introduced in Pet Society. They are Eco Conscious, Environmentalist and Eco Warrior.

Thanks for reading! Happy Recycling!

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